John Hardie fixes badges and dreams of Corona.
8bit Weapon kept everyone fully entertained during the show with remix music.
Plenty to look at on the Messiah stand.
Oh, and the small matter of the NEX as well.
Right, where have we put all those Magicards for later?
Rick Weis plays peek-a-boo on the NWCGE stand.
4Jays had masses of stuff for sale, all packed into book cases.
Who says games corrupt the young?
On the OlderGames stand... nah, I'll leave you to come up with something witty.
Robert Bernardo keeps the lone Commodore presence at the show going.
Dean Dragoli (D-Lite) mans the Neo Geo section, great to finally meet you mate!
Right now let's see, how much should we be charging for our homebrews?
Pong #1. The first. The original. We are not worthy.
A wide assortment of different stuff in the museum, some of it mine.
Nintendo test and competition cartridges.
Lovely handheld 2600 goodness.
A bundle of lovelies for the Vectrex instead.
The Adventurevision in all its glory.
A random collection of Commavid bits, most of which I didn't know what they were!
Kee Games 2600, child of the 70s.
Whoopee, Kris (Queen of the Felines) scores a Combat!
Dave Comstock back with that T-shirt again, and maybe a surprise for 2007.
Alan Miller, Steve Woita and Bob Smith decide which of Dave Comstock's fingers they want.
Midway were also back with more arcade emulation goodness.
A Black Widow machine, something I've not run across before. High score attack time!
Lego goes waka waka waka waka.
Another obscure coin-op in Targ, another time to attack that high score.
Noah Falstein (Koronis Rift, PHM Pegasus, Fate of Atlantis) talks turkey on Lucasfilm.
DJ Tony Fox chills out... almost didn't recognise ya without the glasses.
Ably assisted by his partner in crime, EvilOtto.
I rub the gold Mario nose every day.
Coca Cola GameGear, mmm natty red colour.
The wait for pizza was so unbearable, people started to eat their own fingers.
This picture may, or may not, be subject to a caption contest.
What's that, second word, sounds like deer?
Dahne tries to behave herself.
Whereas Mr Flibble obviously could not.
Jeri Elsworth chills out with Drexel and Marty's dad.
Steve Woita is in first for the water at the Atari talk.
Keith causes chaos at the Intellivision stand.
Meanwhile Tempest is just getting non-stop play.
Simon Quernhorst's Aztec Challenge conversion for 2600 was on display.
Kevin and Marty keep it real as another CGE draws to a close.