Andrew Fisher (Merman) is oblivious to the looming danger that Frank Gasking spots.
Llamasoftie crew of Markie, PVB and Browney.
Walter Day and myself catch up, invoke the mutual US/UK respect and diss the French.
I will now attempt to lift this can using the power of my mind.
Cronosoft's new wares on sale.
Percussive maintenance in action.
Ooo you wanna buy that now, as Keith Ainsworth strikes a pose.
Metal Dust in action on the C64 (and it stayed up this time!).
Chris Abbott does the CD selling thing once more.
Berzerk Arena, two player linked Vectrex machines... hold on, it can only mean...
Archer Maclean talks turkey about Mercury.
And the score in question on the machine in question.
Playing Joust so fast, everything's a blur.
At a slightly slower pace, Doris Self gets in some hardcore Q*Bert practice.
Billy Mitchell explains how he used to copy Pacman, but he's been cured now.
This picture will remain captionless. Make up your own.
What you get for spending almost three hours playing Pacman.
War, what is it good for? Videogames!
Rolling over the score on Donkey Kong.
And ditto with Galaga (and that was just five lives, no extras!).
Bog's expression is almost one of a man who has his balls in a fix.
Presentation for the people who came up trumps performance wise on the day.